To Enhance...
The SSWJSLS broadly aims at facilitating socio-economic & personal status development of the people & contributing to alleviate their problems & suffering in thier environment habitat. The objective of SSWJSLS are:
Provide education to all.
To facilitate, human development (HD) & human resources development (HRD) in a holistic manner, particularly among rural poor including the women;
To carry-out studies & action-research on issues of direct relavance to project villages particularly to the needs & priorities identified by the people;
To organize workshops, seminars, orientation/training & consultation meetings;
To provide training to youths & women;
To help to build-up community organization at the grassroots level & facilitate their decision making, management capability & empowerment;
To initiate welfare programs particularly focused on community women, infusing in them sense of confidence in achieving success & facilitating their direct involvement in development activities; and
To endevour for getting-together the voluntary agencies functioning in the region including the new & budding ones for co-operation to work & learn from each other's experiences